Related Blog Posts on Worship, Strengthening Congregations, High Holidays, and COVID-19

We Reimagined Parent Orientation Night to Better Connect Families to Our Synagogue

Susie Wexler

Parent orientation is an emotional time at any school, especially for parents whose children are entering school for the first time. At Jewish early childhood centers, though, it’s not only about the excitement and nerves surrounding the first day of classes. For many of these parents, it’s also their first foray into Jewish institutional life as a family.

Two-Fold High Holiday Prep: Our Congregations and Ourselves

Rabbi Rick Jacobs

As congregational leaders, you may find that the month of Elul and the High Holidays fly by in a whirl of logistical details – arranging for tickets, ensuring enough chairs, assigning aliyot, planning the community’s break-the-fast – necessary to ensure meaningful worship for members and visitors alike. That is indeed holy work. Often, we fail to devote adequate time and attention to cheshbon ha’nefesh (accounting of the soul) – the act of taking stock of the spiritual health of both ourselves as individuals and our congregations.

Why We Closed Our Synagogue’s Preschool and Started Over from Scratch

by Rachel Stein As a former preschool teacher and director, I was enjoying my role as a parent and lay leader on the “other side” in our preschool at North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, IL. As my two boys happily made their way through our small preschool, I chaired the parent committee and volunteered on our early childhood task force, which explored ways to expand the school and reach target families, many of whom were sending children to other area programs.