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BoardSource Membership Promotes Healthy, Vibrant Congregations
To support healthy congregations and vibrant communities, the URJ has partnered with the leading expert in nonprofit boards: BoardSource.
Congregational Consulting Cohorts: Addressing Challenges Together
Many URJ congregations face similar challenges, from growing membership to increasing community engagement to ensuring a bright future for the next generation. To help congregations find better solutions to high-level challenges, we're announcing the Congregational Consulting Cohorts.
Unlocking Leadership Potential at the 2025 Leadership Boot Camp
The URJ Leadership Boot Camp, a virtual five-hour program, is returning on January 26, 2025, to give you the opportunity to develop these essential skills alongside fellow leaders from across the Reform Movement.
Enhance Meeting Effectiveness with Our New Toolkit
Whether your next congregational meeting is focused on collaborating, relationship building, or checking in on the progress of strategic initiatives, ensuring that it effectively meets your desired outcomes is critical. To help you in this important work, the Union for Reform Judaism has released our Effective Meeting Toolkit.
Easily Manage Human Resources Needs with JHR
We are pleased to announce the launch of JHR, a human resources solution specifically designed for URJ-affiliated congregations. We developed JHR to help address your most pressing HR needs: overwhelming administrative duties, payroll tasks, professional development, staff benefits, and legal compliance.
Small Congregations Eligible to be Served by Small Congregation Clergy Collaborative
To continue to meet the needs for clergy coverage for our smaller congregations, the URJ, CCAR, and ACC, in consultation with HUC-JIR, have created the Small Congregation Clergy Collaborative.
A New Year, A New Tent
Recognizing that expectations around technology and connection have changed through the years, we have made the decision to move The Tent to a new platform called Mighty Networks, and we think that you will enjoy the new user experience and opportunities to connect and learn together.
RJ Web Builder 3.0: A Guide for New Users
New webmasters Lisa Goldstein, RJE, Co-President Karen Freedman, and Treasurer Michelle Foels share what their motivations for choosing RJ Web Builder 3.0 were, what their experiences were like, and what features they most enjoy.
11 Resources for Your New Board
This is the time of year that many congregations form new boards. Here are a few ways your board can strengthen your leadership using resources from the URJ.
Shalom LinkED: An Educational Opportunity for Your Congregation
The URJ is excited to announce our continued partnership with Shalom Learning to offer Shalom LinkED: Jewish Learning Online. Shalom LinkED provides URJ congregations access to an interactive and engaging online curriculum for grades 1-6 on Jewish values and Hebrew learning.