Related Blog Posts on Leadership Development and Transition and Crisis Support

Enhance Meeting Effectiveness with Our New Toolkit

Julie Harris
Whether your next congregational meeting is focused on collaborating, relationship building, or checking in on the progress of strategic initiatives, ensuring that it effectively meets your desired outcomes is critical. To help you in this important work, the Union for Reform Judaism has released our Effective Meeting Toolkit.

Setting Your Leaders Up For Success

Gila Hadani
It's board nomination season again! Time to compile lists, get recommendations, and start calling the future leaders of your congregation. The URJ has resources, advice, and initiatives to set you and your board up for success.

Training Opportunities for Your Board and President

Gila Hadani
The effects of the events of October 7 have resonated differently with different people. More people are seeking comfort, connection, and community. Our Reform Jewish community is uniquely positioned to provide this. We should be leaning into opportunities to help bring people into our communities.

Presidents Network: Being Part of a Group Makes All the Difference

Barak Malkin
One of the most consistent messages we hear from congregational presidents is that they often feel alone with the heavy weight of responsibility for their congregation. While we encourage and work with them to build sacred partnerships with professionals, clergy, and fellow lay leaders at their congregations, we also hear that they want to be connected to people who are in the same role at other congregations.

Lead Your Board Through Self-Reflection for the High Holidays

Amy Asin
On the Jewish calendar, the start of the month of Elul signifies the beginning of the High Holiday season. As individuals, it is during this time that we begin the process of cheshbon hanefesh (accounting of the soul), reflecting on the past year. So too, it is important for your leadership and community to reflect on the past year and consider how to do better moving forward.