Related Blog Posts on B’nai Mitzvah Revolution
Summer 2019 by the Numbers: Reform Youth Engagement is Strong!
We're celebrating more than 20,000 youth, teens, and young adults immersed in a Reform Jewish experience. Here are a few other numbers that have us excited for summer.
Putting the Mitzvah Back into B’nei Mitzvah
When a colleague told me guests at his daughter’s bat mitzvah would pack grains and canned goods for the homeless, I was nonplussed. His explanation changed my thinking.
How to Support the Sacred Work of Parenting in Your Congregation
Read about how one congregation is building a community of parents that knows and supports each other, particularly as their children grow into their teen years.
3 Rules for a Better Bar or Bat Mitzvah: The URJ Responds
Mark Oppenheimer's article for Tablet overlaps with much of our own work at the Union for Reform Judaism’s B’nei Mitzvah Revolution (BMR).
Building a B'nei Mitzvah Community, One Retreat at a Time
Read about how one congregation infused the beginning of its b’nei mitzvah process with something more meaningful than a date assignment, and found ways to connect their b'nei mitzvah families to each other.