Related Blog Posts on Passover

Digital Content to Enliven Your Passover Seder

URJ staff and Reform Movement partners

You already know how to host a beautiful, profound, and Jewishly meaningful seder. What you may not yet know, though, is how to re-imagine your usual traditions to incorporate digital content that will enliven this year’s virtual rendition of your seder.  

Passover 2024: The Three Central Messages of Pesach

Dr. Georgette Bennett
The Exodus story is the master narrative of the Jewish people. As most of us know, it tells the story of the Hebrew slaves in Egypt and the rise of Moses as their liberator. It reminds us that in 2024, the universality of Passover's three-part message again reverberates through the generations: freedom, love, and justice.

Modern-Day Plagues of Injustice and Inequality

Rabbi Michael Namath
On Passover, we recount the Ten Plagues that were inflicted upon the Egyptian people. Here are some of the "plagues" and injustices that afflict our present-day society -- and actions you can take.

Pandemic in the Petri Dish of Prison: A Jewish Call for Justice

Rabbi Hilly Haber
Rabbi Rick Jacobs

The Book of Proverbs instructs us to “speak up for those who cannot raise our voices on behalf of the vulnerable and downtrodden.” (Proverbs 31:8-9). The individuals who make up America’s prison population are isolated, vulnerable, and voiceless.

Let My People Go…to Camp

Aaron Selkow

The uncertainty we’re dealing with each day has us concerned about our ability to even make camp happen. We’re determined, we’re dynamic, and we’re clever – but if we’re being completely honest, we just really don’t know yet.