Related Blog Posts on B'nai Mitzvah and Lifecycle Rituals
A $3,250 Gift for Your B’nei Mitzvah Teens
Putting the Mitzvah Back into B’nei Mitzvah
When a colleague told me guests at his daughter’s bat mitzvah would pack grains and canned goods for the homeless, I was nonplussed. His explanation changed my thinking.
Let's Talk Jewish Lifecycle: A Day of Learning with Bestselling Author Anita Diamant
If you want to dig deeper on this topic, as I do, join congregational leaders across North America for a live interview with Anita Diamant on The Jewish Wedding Now and the changing landscape of Judaism.
3 Rules for a Better Bar or Bat Mitzvah: The URJ Responds
Mark Oppenheimer's article for Tablet overlaps with much of our own work at the Union for Reform Judaism’s B’nei Mitzvah Revolution (BMR).
Building a B'nei Mitzvah Community, One Retreat at a Time
Read about how one congregation infused the beginning of its b’nei mitzvah process with something more meaningful than a date assignment, and found ways to connect their b'nei mitzvah families to each other.
How Peer-to-Peer Mentoring Revolutionized Our B'nei Mitzvah Tutoring Program
When students become Tzofim, they become essential: They have a valuable role to fulfill and an important place within our synagogue community.
How to Connect B'nai Mitzvah Families to Your Congregation
For the past two years, Temple Chai in Long Grove, IL, participated in the URJ’s B’nai Mitzvah Revolution (BMR). Based on our desire to see b’nai mitzvah families develop strong, lasting connections to our congregation and to Judaism, we focused our efforts on enriching the family engagement opportunities that are part of Temple Chai’s b’nai mitzvah preparation experience.
Mentoring a Child through B'nai Mitzvah: A New Approach
Since my congregation became part of the pilot cohort of the Reform Movement’s B’nai Mitzvah Revolution in 2012, our goal has been to make b’nai mitzvah more meaningful. As it turns out, though, this is no simple task.
Along with 12 other congregations, URJ
How to Create Meaningful Mitzvot Opportunities for B'nai Mitzvah
Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel in Elkins Park, PA, began its journey in the pilot cohort of the URJ’s B’nai Mitzvah Revolution by asking our eighth grade families one question: What could we have done to better prepare your family for your child’s bar or bat mitzvah?