Related Blog Posts on Transgender Inclusion, Racial Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (REDI) Communities of Belonging, and Strengthening Congregations
Digital Content to Enliven Your Passover Seder
You already know how to host a beautiful, profound, and Jewishly meaningful seder. What you may not yet know, though, is how to re-imagine your usual traditions to incorporate digital content that will enliven this year’s virtual rendition of your seder.
New & Updated Resources: Preparing for the High Holidays in Challenging Times
Partner organizations of the Reform Movement are offering the best collaborative thinking and the most comprehensive resources to guide your visioning and planning.
Ways Your Congregation Can Act Now for Racial Justice
Here are a few things your congregation can do now to support Black and Brown people both within the Jewish community and beyond, both directly and on a systemic level.
Congregational Consulting Cohorts: Addressing Challenges Together
Many URJ congregations face similar challenges, from growing membership to increasing community engagement to ensuring a bright future for the next generation. To help congregations find better solutions to high-level challenges, we're announcing the Congregational Consulting Cohorts.
Enhance Meeting Effectiveness with Our New Toolkit
Whether your next congregational meeting is focused on collaborating, relationship building, or checking in on the progress of strategic initiatives, ensuring that it effectively meets your desired outcomes is critical. To help you in this important work, the Union for Reform Judaism has released our Effective Meeting Toolkit.
Summer Resources for Year-Round Board Success
The summer months are a great time for presidents and boards of directors to kickstart planning for the upcoming year. Here are six important ways you can jumpstart your summer planning.
Communities of Belonging Don’t Just Happen…URJ Camps are Putting in the Work
While camp is an oasis away from everyday life, it still exists in a world that has much work to do around harm prevention, particularly for Campers of Color, gender-diverse campers, campers with a variety of body sizes, and campers with disabilities.
Setting Your Leaders Up For Success
It's board nomination season again! Time to compile lists, get recommendations, and start calling the future leaders of your congregation. The URJ has resources, advice, and initiatives to set you and your board up for success.
Safety, Equity, and Accountability is the Path to a Thriving Jewish Community
Healthy, safe, and equitable culture inside Jewish organizations is absolutely imperative in light of the continued rise in antisemitism at home and abroad. The organizations that have the tools to foster psychological safety, community, and inclusion are faring as well as possible in the face of this.
Standing for Inclusion and Love
"What if people protest the program and disrupt Shabbat?" I admit, I heard a loud voice in my head repeating this question as our Pride Shabbat festivities approached last June.