Related Blog Posts on Classes and Learning and Leadership Development
BoardSource Membership Promotes Healthy, Vibrant Congregations
To support healthy congregations and vibrant communities, the URJ has partnered with the leading expert in nonprofit boards: BoardSource.
Congregational Consulting Cohorts: Addressing Challenges Together
Many URJ congregations face similar challenges, from growing membership to increasing community engagement to ensuring a bright future for the next generation. To help congregations find better solutions to high-level challenges, we're announcing the Congregational Consulting Cohorts.
Unlocking Leadership Potential at the 2025 Leadership Boot Camp
The URJ Leadership Boot Camp, a virtual five-hour program, is returning on January 26, 2025, to give you the opportunity to develop these essential skills alongside fellow leaders from across the Reform Movement.
Enhance Meeting Effectiveness with Our New Toolkit
Whether your next congregational meeting is focused on collaborating, relationship building, or checking in on the progress of strategic initiatives, ensuring that it effectively meets your desired outcomes is critical. To help you in this important work, the Union for Reform Judaism has released our Effective Meeting Toolkit.
Summer Resources for Year-Round Board Success
The summer months are a great time for presidents and boards of directors to kickstart planning for the upcoming year. Here are six important ways you can jumpstart your summer planning.
Setting Your Leaders Up For Success
It's board nomination season again! Time to compile lists, get recommendations, and start calling the future leaders of your congregation. The URJ has resources, advice, and initiatives to set you and your board up for success.
Civil Discourse – How to Facilitate Productive Conversations about Hard Topics
The guide below offers some frameworks and shared agreements for structured group conversation as well as some suggested questions.
Training Opportunities for Your Board and President
The effects of the events of October 7 have resonated differently with different people. More people are seeking comfort, connection, and community. Our Reform Jewish community is uniquely positioned to provide this. We should be leaning into opportunities to help bring people into our communities.
Register Now to Create a Congregation of Belonging
Registration is open for the second cohort of the Clal Belonging Project. At the heart of the project is a congregant survey that measures belonging through congregant's self-reported experiences of feeling "Noticed, Named, Known, and Needed."
11 Resources for Your New Board
This is the time of year that many congregations form new boards. Here are a few ways your board can strengthen your leadership using resources from the URJ.