Thousands of Reform Jews around the United States gathered today to participate in March for Our Lives events in Washington, D.C. and satellite events across the country. In D.C., the Reform Movement was proud to host a Shabbat worship experience before the march, attended by nearly 2,000 Reform teens and adults and their allies. Led by teens from NFTY: The Reform Jewish Youth Movement, the event included prayer, song, and inspiring commentary that allowed our participants to gather strength as a Movement before taking to the streets to demand action on gun violence prevention.
Watch the live video of this morning's pre-March event:
All day long, Jews across the U.S. tweeted and shared photos to Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #JewsDemandAction to show our community's support for for gun violence prevention. Leviticus 19:16 instructs us, “Do not stand idly by while your neighbor’s blood is shed.” For too long, Congress has stood idly by, mass shooting after mass shooting, refusing to take action to prevent the next massacre from happening. May the 17 lives lost in Parkland not be lost in vain.
Check out NFTY's Facebook album of photos of the day, and if you have photos to add, please add them to our group album. Please upload photos that tell the story of the Jewish presence at marches in your community - and know we may share your images on social media and across the web.
And we're not done yet. Check out some of the tweets from this morning:
May the memory of those lives lost due to senseless gun violence be a blessing and a CALL TO ACTION! #MarchForOurLives #JewsDemandAction
— Farrah Alexander (@WineCoffeeLove) March 24, 2018
#JewsDemandAction because we are TIRED of thoughts and prayers. @BobGoodlatte6 @MarkWarner @timkaine I urge you to lead Virginia in the fight for common sense gun laws. #marchforourlives pic.twitter.com/IeldTKQCgd
— Hannah (@hadaniel27) March 24, 2018
#JewsDemandAction @URJorg @URJKutzCamp @nfty @SholomNJ pic.twitter.com/6vMic7OskP
— Rabbi Joel N Abraham (@sholomrav) March 24, 2018
Here at #MarchForOurLives getting ready with the #JewsDemandAction and NFTY reform Jewish youth movement. pic.twitter.com/IeSX1bp4Dg
— Cedar Riener (@criener) March 24, 2018
Check out @BethTikvahOH marching in Columbus! #MarchForOurLives #JewsDemandAction #EnoughIsEnough pic.twitter.com/L2uUFrgL6w
— NFTY Ohio Valley (@NFTYOV) March 24, 2018
PAR New Board/Old Board is marching together in Lancaster for #MarchForOurLives! We are making our voices heard!! #JewsDemandAction pic.twitter.com/jDCUAjiKff
— NFTY-PAR (@nftypar) March 24, 2018
Such an honor to join @TheRAC and @URJorg to speak with students about taking action to prevent gun violence. #JewsDemandAction pic.twitter.com/hq3wphop0t
— Debbie Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) March 24, 2018
As a country (and world), this should not even be an issue. We are supposed to evolve and learn from history. I can't understand WHY we are doomed to endure this yet again. #JewsDemandAction
— Debra "The NRA Are Terrorists" Cook (@literarilyme) March 24, 2018
"Our children's lives should not be dispensable in order to prove a point."
— The URJ (@URJorg) March 24, 2018
AMEN.#JewsDemandAction https://t.co/Yfj0fc6m66
Watching the Jewish kids from #Parkland make change, hand-in-hand with their brothers and sisters from black communities, ravaged by gun violence for decades: this solidarity & love trumps any manufactured hatred & misunderstanding #JewsDemandAction
— Stefanie Iris Weiss (@EcoSexuality) March 24, 2018
kids, not guns #MarchForOurLives #JewsDemandAction pic.twitter.com/jSQ8ZApJGI
— reed !! (@grenmeh) March 24, 2018
We're making so much noise with #jewsdemandaction that it's bringing out the frightened trolls. Glad they're listening to committed Jewish voices for justice.
— Rabbi Joel N Abraham (@sholomrav) March 24, 2018
#MarchForOurLives #JewsDemandAction #MarchForOurLivesAtlanta pic.twitter.com/lQeC90njkf
— Teri Singer (@terising) March 24, 2018
I have truly never been prouder to be a @NFTYSAR and @nfty and @URJKutzCamp alumni than today as the Reform Jewish community gathers at #MarchForOurLives to demand to see a change in our country.
— (((sammy))) (@slammychaves) March 24, 2018
Leviticus 19:16 compels us - YOU SHALL NOT STAND IDLY BY THE BLOOD OF YOUR NEIGHBOR. @nfty teens are leading our Reform Movement to not stand idly by. We're marching today in the #MarchForOurLives to say: #JewsDemandAction #EnoughIsEnough! https://t.co/ntYn8FyyBg
— Rabbi Jonah Pesner (@JonahPesner) March 24, 2018
How powerful - & heartbreaking - is this teen’s sign? Lead the way, @NFTY. We’re with you. #JewsDemandAction on gun violence prevention. pic.twitter.com/GRvPji5eIS
— ReformJudaism.org (@ReformJudaism) March 24, 2018
Praying with our feet today as we march with our teen leaders!#MarchForOurLives #NFTYGVP #JewsDemandAction #Enough #DoJusticeLoveMercy #NeverAgain pic.twitter.com/q8ooDVpiM5
— URJ Crane Lake Camp (@URJCraneLake) March 24, 2018
How are you praying with your feet today? #JewsDemandAction #MarchforOurLives pic.twitter.com/WHr2SU73qS
— WRJ (@WRJ1913) March 24, 2018
#JewsDemandAction for universal background checks, bans on assault weapons & high capacity ammunition magazines. We will NOT stand idly by. Following the lead of our @NFTY teens, we’re taking action today, tomorrow, and every day until we end gun violence. #MarchForOurLives pic.twitter.com/aH66NbC9CB
— The RAC (@TheRAC) March 24, 2018
Visit nfty.org/gvp/act to learn what comes next, including filling out an action alert that calls on your members of Congress to enact universal background checks and ban the purchase and sale of assault weapons and high-capacity magazines.
Have something to say about this post? Join the conversation in The Tent, the social network for congregational leaders of the Reform Movement. You can also tweet us or tell us how you feel on Facebook.
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