Register Now to Create a Congregation of Belonging

October 9, 2023

Participate in a URJ Cohort with Clal's Belonging Project

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Registration is open for the second cohort of the Clal Belonging Project. At the heart of the project is a congregant survey that measures belonging through congregant's self-reported experiences of feeling "Noticed, Named, Known, and Needed." After receiving the results, congregations will be encouraged to put belonging at the center of congregational life.

To learn more, please register for an information session in October 2023:

Relational Engagement Campaign: A How-To for Congregational Leaders

In November 2023, we will launch an online learning experience focused on skills and tools that every congregation should have as part of their toolbox, including:

  1. A core team for an engagement listening campaign
  2. Tools to build relationships and gather data from community members
  3. Best practices for conversations and questions from congregants
If you are interested in this hybrid course, please fill out this form to receive the registration link once it's available.

Board & Leadership Workshops

One of the resources available to congregations are tailor-made workshops for congregational boards and leaders led by a trained facilitator. Your leaders will have an opportunity to engage in generative thinking around strategy and action. Some of the topics will include:

  • Engaging members
  • Deepening relationships within your congregation
  • Conducting a listening campaign and facilitating a listening group

If you are interested in bringing a workshop to your community, please reach out to the URJ Knowledge Network.


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