
Bound Together for Good

Rabbi Rick Jacobs
Rabbi Rick Jacobs delivers his Shabbat sermon at the URJ's 150th anniversary gathering.

Remembrance of Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson

Rabbi Rick Jacobs
This past Sunday, our Movement laid to rest one of our most brilliant and beloved teachers. Tonight, with full hearts, we remember Rabbi David Ellenson, z”l. 

Israel: A Toolkit

Rachel Margolis, RJE
At the URJ, we aim to provide you with timely tools you can use in your congregations and communities. In this moment, we know that resources for discussing and understanding Israel are more important than ever.

5784 Hanukkah Message from Rabbi Rick Jacobs

Rabbi Rick Jacobs
A central theme of Hanukkah is Jewish sovereignty. To commemorate our independence and express our Jewish pride, we light our hanukkiyot publicly after sundown each night – outside in public spaces, or in a window or doorway at home. Doing so allows others to see the candles shining in the darkness, symbolizing the open expression of our Jewish identity.