ARZENU Delegates Reflect on 38th World Zionist Congress
At the recent 38th Congress in April 2023, the Reform Zionist movement brought 40 delegates under the umbrella ARZENU. Delegates came from around the world to Israel.
Parenting with Purpose: A Free Guide
As part of our commitment to families, the URJ is pleased to offer our congregational partners an opportunity for parents and caregivers in your community to download Parenting with Purpose: Addressing Mental, Emotional, and Social Wellness.
Shalom LinkED: An Educational Opportunity for Your Congregation
The URJ is excited to announce our continued partnership with Shalom Learning to offer Shalom LinkED: Jewish Learning Online. Shalom LinkED provides URJ congregations access to an interactive and engaging online curriculum for grades 1-6 on Jewish values and Hebrew learning.
The URJ Pulse+ Survey Can Elevate Your Story
The URJ Pulse Survey and the newly expanded URJ Pulse+ Survey showed that participating congregations were experiencing similar trends. Having the ability to compare your data with that of other URJ congregations will paint a picture that will help you assess where you are and share a more detailed story with your congregants and donors.
Justice for All People Everywhere: An Interview with Rabbi Jonah Pesner
We sat down with Rabbi Jonah Pesner to discuss his work in the Reform Movement, as a SCoRE member, and his experience as the first Jewish person appointed to SCoRE.
One Way Reform Jews Can Lean Into the Conversation Around Israel
Over the last few months, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets to make their voices heard about the proposed governmental reforms to the judiciary, the creation of a civilian national guard, and much more.
Join the URJ Congregational Ethics Code Campaign
The URJ is committed to ensuring that our environments are safe, equitable, and inclusive. As part of our ongoing work to create a culture that prioritizes safety and accountability, we encourage every congregation to craft and adopt a congregational ethics code.
Tell Your Community! Virtual Event with Dr. Becky Kennedy
Dr. Becky Kennedy will be joining us for a virtual event where we'll dive into the challenges and opportunities of Jewish parenting.
Zionism Then and Now
After 75 years of having a Jewish State, we find ourselves amidst an unprecedented and deeply divisive crisis. On the surface, this crisis is about Israel's future as a democratic Jewish state, dealing with issues such as separation of powers among the branches of government, how judges are appointed, the roles of religion and state, and the lack of an Israeli constitution.
How to Help Support Israel's Democracy
Here are some ways you and your community can support Israeli democracy and the Israeli Reform Movement during this critical moment.