


A Taste of Judaism® - Union for Reform Judaism

- ET
26 Shevat 5785 to 10 Adar 5785
This is a virtual event
This 3-session online program is all about introducing you to what is delicious about Judaism: sacred stories, beliefs and values, and a diverse community - with plenty of time for your questions.
Torah Portion


Exodus 25:1−27:19
1 Adar 5785
Haftarah: II Kings 12:5-16 [historic: II Kings 12:1-17]
Shabbat Sh'kalim on Rosh Chodesh

The Eternal One spoke to Moses, saying: "Tell the Israelite people to bring Me gifts; you shall accept gifts for Me from every person whose heart is so moved." - Exodus 25:1-2


The History of the Modern State of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: From Its Origins to the Present

2 Adar 5785
1101 Springdale Rd , Cherry Hill, NJ 08003
This is a virtual event

The History of the Modern State of Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: From Its Origins to the Present
Presented by Dr. David Mendelsson

Five Sunday mornings, 9:30-11:00 am (Zoom only)
January 12 & 26, February 9 & 23, March 2

This winter, Kol Ami will host an important lecture series

Torah Portion


Exodus 27:20−30:10
8 Adar 5785
Haftarah: Esther 7:1-10; 8:15-17 [historic: I Samuel 15:2-34]
Shabbat Zachor

You shall further instruct the Israelites to bring you clear oil of beaten olives for lighting, for kindling lamps regularly. - Exodus 27:20


Learn to Read Hebrew for Adults – Sunday Evenings

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10 Adar 5785 to 21 Iyar 5785
This is a virtual event
Get started with aleph-bet! This course has been developed specifically for online learning, and is taught by experienced educators.