Coordinating Programs of HUC and JIR

39th Council
March 1946
Cincinnati, OH

"The Director of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations in his report to this Council called the attention of the delegates to the expansion programs of the Hebrew Union College and the Jewish Institute of Religion, the appeals for financial support now being made by both of these institutions, and the wisdom, indeed, the urgency of coordinating the work of both these schools of learning.

"Your Committee considered the subject in the light of the larger program of the Union and the need for the integration of the work of the institutions of Reform, and,

"Therefore, urges the delegates to this Biennial Council to instruct the Executive Board to explore forthwith, in cooperation with the Central Conference of American Rabbis, the Hebrew Union College, and the Jewish Institute of Religion, as well as with their responsive alumni, the possibilities of effecting in the near future a coordinated program between these two seminaries."