Endorsement of WUPJ's Support for Argentine Jewry

UAHC Executive Committee 
September 23, 2002 - Adopted


The WUPJ mission to South America this past summer had the opportunity to meet with leaders and members of the Jewish community in Argentina.  The members of the mission included leaders of the WUPJ and the UAHC.  In order to alleviate the serious economic and social problems being experienced by the community in Argentina, the WUPJ, in concert with the Jewish community in Argentina, has identified projects and programs of assistance.


The UAHC Executive Committee, having heard the report of the mission and reviewed the list of proposed projects and programs formulated by the WUPJ:

  1. Endorses this critical work of the WUPJ in assisting the Jewish community in Argentina; and
  2. Looks forward to further reports and recommendations that may communicate their plight throughout our congregational system and encourage support from our constituents.