We will never cease our struggle to assure the right of all Jews to leave the Soviet Union. We are also determined to assist those who, while they remain, wish to live as Jews in the Soviet Union.
We believe that liberal Judaism will serve the prospects of Jewish survival in the Soviet Union.
THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of American Hebrew Congregations:
Call for the formation of a Movement-wide Task Force, in partnership with the World Union for Progressive Judaism, to address itself to every aspect of the Soviet Jewish situation;
- To continue to press for emigration and for the religious rights of Soviet Jews.
- To prepare the translation of liberal Jewish educational texts and liturgical materials into Russian with the cooperation of the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion and the Central Conference of American Rabbis.
- To help establish a network of liberal Jews in the Soviet Union and provide services to them.
- To continue education religious and Hebrew schools.