Toronto Biennial
It has been 30 years since the Union's Biennial was held in Toronto. We return to this beautiful city with delight and are grateful to the Greater Toronto Area Reform congregations for the warmth of their hospitality. The Reform community of Canada continues to have extraordinary influence in the councils of our Movement and to grow in strength and dedication. It is known and admired for its commitment to Jewish education, to Zionism, and to a traditional view of Reform Jewish practice.
We thank our Canadian synagogues for their gracious welcome. Let us, Canadians and Americans, deepen our conversation and our mutual understanding and grow the Reform Movement in strength.
THEREFORE , the Union for Reform Judaism resolves to:
Offer its collective heartfelt gratitude to:
- Shirley Gordon, Biennial Program Committee Chair, and Carole Sterling, Biennial Program Committee Vice-chair, and all the members of the Biennial Program Committee for developing an educational and exhilarating Biennial program;
- Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chairs Gavin Herman, Gary Posen, Sheila Smolkin, and Carole Strom, and the entire Local Arrangements Committee for their invaluable assistance and dedication;
- Greater Toronto Area Host Congregations and their members for their efficiency, hospitality and hard work;
- Biennial Music Director Josh Nelson for leading us in song, inspiring us in prayer, and coordinating dozens of diverse and memorable acts we had the joy of seeing and listening to throughout the week;
- Rabbi Elliott Kleinman, Director of Advancing Reform Judaism, and Robin Hirsch, director of Meetings and Conventions; and the entire Union staff, without whom the 70th General Assembly would not have been possible.