The Scheidt Seminar

Since 1998, the URJ Scheidt Seminar for Presidents and Presidents-Elect has engaged over 1,700 congregational presidents. Funded through the generosity of the Scheidt family, the annual URJ Scheidt Seminar convenes congregational presidents to learn, network, build relationships, and enhance leadership skills. It serves as a springboard for learning throughout presidents' terms.

The 26th Annual Scheidt Seminar for Congregational Presidents, Co-Presidents and Presidents Elect will take place in person from Thursday, March 6 – Sunday, March 9, 2025 in Dallas, TX.

Learn More and Register Now

Please contact to be kept up to date about details for the upcoming Scheidt Seminar. When registration opens, we will contact you directly.

Join your peers from across North America to learn from top notch Reform movement scholars and professionals, network with each other, and share ideas about how we move our congregations into the future.

In four short days, participants will:

  • Learn and network with the leadership of the Reform Movement
  • Discuss solutions to everyday congregational problems
  • Tackle some of the bigger challenges – cultivating new and diverse leadership, change, engagement and belonging, philanthropy
  • Think about our role as agents of change in our congregation and the skills we need to lead others
  • Increase Jewish knowledge
  • Meet and network with presidents of other Reform congregations
  • Share successful program ideas with other presidents

For more information, contact

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