Join Teens to Demand Gun Violence Prevention

March 19, 2018Zachary Herrmann

My fellow NFTYites and I have reached a tipping point: We’re tired of living in fear of gun violence and frustrated when we hear politicians send their “thoughts and prayers” to the families and friends of victims every time there’s a mass shooting – without taking action to stop future shootings. Enough is enough.

That’s why we started #JewsDemandAction. To end gun violence, we’re demanding universal background checks and bans on both assault weapons and high capacity ammunition magazines. Now.

On March 24th, in Washington, D.C. and in cities and locales across the country, we’re taking to the streets to demand that Congress act – and to March For Our Lives. But we can’t do it alone. We need support from Reform congregations across the U.S. Will you commit to joining this movement with us?

For a lot of teens and young adults, help to cover some of the expenses necessary to attend March For Our Lives would be much appreciated, and NFTY may be able to pitch in. We’re offering $100 gift cards to help Reform Jewish teens and young adults ages 13-24 attend gun violence prevention marches nationwide.

Let us know how and where you’re participating in the march. Together, we will stand up to the gun lobby and to Congress. We will not let gun violence claim another life.

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