Our Community. Your Legacy.
Now is the time to turn your extraordinary commitment to URJ into an enduring legacy.
Since our founding, the Union for Reform Judaism has been building and strengthening Jewish communities across North America. The URJ is a powerful force dedicated to inspiring and educating multi-generational communities to cultivate a deep and lasting connection to Jewish life. As you consider the things in your life that you treasure, such as family and community, we ask that you also look forward to ensuring the values that matter to you are secured for the future. You can do this by making a legacy gift, also called “planned gift,” or “gift in your will” to benefit the future of the URJ.
Your Legacy Gift Commitment Form
If you have already included the URJ in your estate plan or you would like to do so, please complete this Legacy Gift Commitment form so we can add you to our URJ Legacy Society.
Legacy Gifts May Be Arranged in Several Ways
There are many easy giving options to choose from. These strategies of giving not only benefit the URJ, they can enhance your personal financial security as well. Our donor relations team is available to help guide you and your advisors, either by phone or in person. Contact Kerry Leaf at 212.452.6521 or plannedgiving@urj.org.
Gifts Made Through a Will
A bequest is a gift made through a will. Your attorney would include your gift in your estate plan. After planning for your loved ones, this gift in your will allow you to make a gift without using your assets during your lifetime. You may provide a gift in your will to the URJ as a specific amount or percentage. See sample bequest language, below.
Retirement Plans
Making a gift through a retirement account, such as an IRA, 401(K) or 403 (b) plan is a simple way to make a legacy gift. This gift may also provide tax benefits to your heirs. You can make a gift by adding URJ as a beneficiary of a percentage of the fund along with your other named beneficiaries. Designating the URJ as a beneficiary of a retirement plan does not require you to change your will.
Life Insurance
You can make a gift to URJ using life insurance. If you have a policy that no longer serves its original purpose, you can add URJ as a remainder beneficiary. Similar to a gift in your will, you would retain control over the policy during your lifetime. If you choose to gift the ownership of the policy, or if the policy is still in premium payment mode, you may be entitled to additional tax benefits.
Bank (POD)
A legacy gift may be made with assets you already own. Many donors choose to add URJ as a remainder beneficiary (or, referred to as payable on death of POD) of an existing bank or investment account. This gift doesn’t necessitate the need to change a will, and it can usually be done online.
Legacy giving, or planned giving, is an expression of your values and commitment to the future of URJ and the Jewish community. There are many ways you can make your gift, and we are happy to support you through the process. Contact Kerry Leaf at kleaf@urj.org for a confidential conversation about what your legacy will look like.
Sample Bequest Language
I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to The Union for Reform Judaism, whose North American headquarters are located at 633 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017:
[Choose one:]
- _______% of my gross estate as finally determined for Federal estate tax purposes.
- The sum of $_______ dollars.
For further information, contact Kerry Leaf at 212.452.6521 or plannedgiving@urj.org.
Download a copy of this bequest language.
Have you made a legacy gift? We want to thank you!
If you have made a legacy gift to URJ we hope you will share that news with us. Individuals who make a planned gift (legacy gift) become part of the Legacy Society, a group of like-minded people who want to support the future of the URJ. We recognize and honor individuals who inform us of their intentions, as well as respecting the anonymity of donors upon request. To let us know, you can call or email plannedgiving@urj.org or 212-452-6521.
The information provided is on this website is not provided as legal, tax or other professional advice. The material is general in nature and may not apply to all individuals. State laws vary, and tax laws change from time to time. It is recommended that individuals consult with their own tax and financial advisors concerning the benefits and consequences of making a planned, or legacy, gift.