
View the URJ's Annual Reports and audit reports, and learn about how the URJ receives financial support. 

Based on policies adopted by the General Assembly, the URJ receives financial support from member congregations in the form of Reform Movement Membership funds. Forty-four percent of these funds help support the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion while the remaining 56% are earmarked for the URJ. Philanthropic funding from individual donors and foundations provides additional financial support to the URJ. Additionally, certain programs run by the URJ – such as our camps and immersive programs – charge fees to their participants, supplemented by scholarships.

Below are our audit reports for the past four years and the budget for the current fiscal year. Earlier reports are available upon request.

Annual Reports

URJ 2023 Annual Report

URJ 2022 Annual Report

URJ 2021 Annual Report

URJ 2020 Annual Report

URJ 2019 Annual Report

URJ 2018 Annual Report

URJ 2017 Annual Report