Submit a Class

Complete this form to add your congregation or community’s Jewish learning class to our listings.

Use this form to submit your URJ congregation or community's A Taste of Judaism ®, Introduction to Judaism, Hebrew, or other Jewish learning classes that are available to the general public, including participants who are outside your congregation or community.

The form invites you to choose your class type:

  •  A Taste of Judaism®
  • Introduction to Judaism (Regardless of course title; for courses with a minimum of 30 learning hours.)
  • Other Adult Jewish Learning Classes 
  • Hebrew (adult Hebrew classes of any level or type)

If your Introduction to Judaism course is fewer than 30 learning hours, please select "other Judaism class" and title your course something other than "Introduction to Judaism."

Your Contact Information

Please share your name, your email address, and the name of your URJ congregation; this allows us to contact you about your submission, if needed. (This information will not be published on our website.)

Your Event Information

Class Dates
Add the dates this class occurs
e.g., $XXX individual, $XXX couple, $XX discount for members of URJ congregations.
Include day of the week and time, i.e. "Wednesdays, 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m".
For example, 18 sessions. A Taste of Judaism® is always 3 sessions.
Please provide general information on the course material and instructors.
Select what type of access this class has. Virtual, in-person, or both (multi-access)
Class Location
Add the class location. Even if the event is virtual please add the city, state, and zip code

Class Contact

Please share the name, email address, and phone number of the contact person for this class. This information will be published on the class listing.

Add the class contact name
Add class contact email
Add class contact phone