American Council for Judaism

44th General Assembly
April 1957
Toronto, Ontario

The American Council for Judaism has, through official statement and by publications of its representative leaders, repeatedly slandered the U.A.H.C., misrepresenting our positions and casting aspersions on the American loyalty of our adherents. The U.A.H.C. has, until now, remained silent, in the face of these untruthful accusations. But, in view of the most recent attack, continued in a letter to our President which was further released to the public Press in advance of its receipt by Dr. Eisendrath, we are constrained to make the following statement:

  1. We recognize the right of the American Council for Judaism to freedom of opinion and expression; but we insist that the great majority of individuals and congregations which compose our Union have the same right of opinion and democratic action.
  2. The American Council for Judaism misrepresents historical Judaism as well as what it calls "classical Reform Judaism." There is no antithesis between Judaism as a religion, and Jews as a people.
  3. The American Council has wantonly impugned the national loyalties of all those Jews who disagree with it. We insist that the Jews of Canada and the United States are properly interested in and concerned for the State of Israel without, in the slightest degree, diminishing their abiding loyalty to their respective countries.
  4. The American Council for Judaism has furnished material for professional anti-Semites, who have publicly endorsed its position, and has played directly into the hands of Arab propagandists.
  5. In a number of communities, representatives of the American Council have employed morally reprehensible methods to undermine existing congregations and to introduce division and discord into them.

Therefore, this General Assembly of the U.A.H.C. declares that the view of Judaism held by the American Council is at variance with the view of the overwhelming majority of Reform Jews in the U.S. and Canada. We shall continue to uphold the positive ideals of Judaism in general and of Reform Judaism in particular, without fear or hesitation.


The resolution was adopted.