Racial Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (REDI) Resources

Register for REDI Workshops

These resources are provided in an effort to support congregational and Jewish communal leaders - clergy, staff, lay leaders, members of the congregation, and community members at-large throughout North America – to apply a Racial Equity, Inclusion, & Diversity (REDI) lens to all that we do, as we work to embrace the diversity that is the reality of modern Jewish life.

What is Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI)? 

A major component of this is ensuring that all our Jewish communal spaces are affirming and just for all Jews and their loved ones, which we – both as the Reform Jewish community and as broader Jewish community – have not yet achieved. We can further advance toward this vision by learning and implementing three core principles/practices: diversity, inclusion, and equity.

You may have heard these terms before, but what do they actually mean? And how can we apply them to our Jewish spaces? To learn more about the concepts of Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (REDI), please check out our resources below:

How to Create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Working Group

You might be thinking that your community has years of experience assembling committees and taskforces, and you already have a great blueprint for building your DEI Working Group. However, we are asking you to assemble your DEI focused group in a potentially different way than you might have done previously. See "How to Create a DEI Working Group" to get started.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Assessment

Fill out this short form to download the Community Assessment.

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Community Assessment is a starting point for reflection, conversation, and action within your community. It is intended to help your community identify the steps needed to become a community rooted in principles of DEI.

This assessment will help you build on your existing measures and aid in initiating new ones. Think of this as an idea checklist: a vision of the type of community that you strive to be. In addition, there is also a version available for your camp community. Please fill out this short form to download the camp DEI Assessment.

As part of the Community Assessment, you will be asked to first create a DEI Working Group. See above for a resource to guide you in creating this group.

Additional Antiracism & REDI Resources

Linked below are select documents created by the REDI team designed to assist you in making your community more equitable and inclusive.

For action items and backgrounders on Racial Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Reform Jewish community, please visit the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism's racial justice issue page, with a link to additional racial justice resources.