URJ Marketplace

Where URJ-affiliated congregations can connect with products and services that reduce costs of running a congregation and simplify day-to-day operations.

Save money and increase effeciency at your congregation in the URJ Marketplace

Create an account and browse the wide array of products and services in the URJ Marketplace. URJ-affiliated congregations can use the marketplace to connect with products and services that will reduce costs of running a congregation and simplify day-to-day operations. 

Spend less time thinking about the “back of the house,” and spend more time thinking about the “front of the house.” 

The URJ Marketplace offers great deals on tangible items, like office supplies, web cameras and software licenses. Also, congregations can find deals on products and services that help provide the change their congregation needs now, working smarter while saving money. Accounting services with CRI advisors and CPAs, or integrated payments and fundraising with Dipjar or Shopraise.  

These products and services will help save money so you can spend less time on administration and operation issues while spending more time on sacred community engagement and member connections. 

Access opportunities and services only available to URJ member congregations. 

The URJ has vetted several vendors and negotiated discount pricing or enhanced, convenient access for congregations. Connect with these great products and services in the URJ Marketplace today!  

All vendors below are offering special discounts and offers to URJ affiliated congregations, only in the Marketplace. 

  • 911Inform: 911Inform provides geo-fencing, communication and mapping tools to successfully manage a crisis situation at your congregation. 

  • Adaptive Wheelchair Lifts: Wheelchair access and accessibility to interior and exterior locations where ramps, elevators and other lifts are not practical or economical.

  • BluePoint: Similar in appearance and function to the red fire-pull station, BluePoint is an integrated Rapid Emergency Response System that instantly notifies police and building occupants of an emergency situation. 

  • Carr, Riggs & Ingram: Outsourced accounting or auditing services. 

  • Charity Charge: Credit cards for congregation staff. No annual fee, online card controls and simplified expense reporting. 

  • Constant Contact: A one-stop digital marketing platform providing email marketing, AI content generation, automation and more. 

  • DipJar: Easy credit card donations and campaign integration. 

  • Felsen Insurance: Property, Casualty and Directors & Officers insurance 

  • First Aid and Bleeding Control Kits: Vital supplies to help keep your community safe in response to everyday emergencies. 

  • Intellicorp Background Checks: 40% off employee, clergy and volunteer background checks 

  • Mighty Networks: Synagogue community digital platform that allows you to create meaningful community through online conversations, events, and classes.

  • MyWell Credit Card Processing: Non-profit “at cost” credit card processing.  

  • One Beat Medical: Lifesaving Equipment for cardiac emergencies including AED kits, supplies and training.

  • Pastoral Reach: Software to help caring communities, clergy and staff tracking lifecycle issues in the congregation. 

  • Revolution Office: URJ Affiliated Congregations receive 30-50% savings on copier/printer technology vs. the manufacturer or dealer.

  • R. Jeffrey Tax Credits: Valuable Employee Retention Tax Credits (ERC) for congregations that retained staff during the pandemic.

  • S&S Worldwide: Educational, playground, and camp supplies.

  • ShopRaise: Raise money every time your members shop at any one of hundreds of stores online.

  • Staples Advantage by Back Office Cooperative: Non-profit group purchasing organization offering deep discounts on office, building and janitorial supplies through Staples Advantage.

  • TechSoup: Deeply discounted technology products from Microsoft 365, to Dell and HP laptops, to Quickbooks and more. 

  • TechSoup Website and Marketing Services: Website assessments and consultations through Tapp Networks.

  • Traliant Sexual Harassment Prevention Training: Online harassment prevention classes for clergy, staff, lay leaders and volunteers.

  • UtilityGenius: Quickly find rebates, tax credits, and more for your utility and energy projects at no cost resulting in tremendous savings to your congregation.

  • Yahrzeit Interactive: Immersive digital yahrzeit experiences for the temple website and memorial wall.  

  • Zoom: Deeply discounted Zoom licenses (including Large Meeting and Webinar add-ons and Unlimited Cloud Storage) available directly from the Marketplace. 

Visit the URJ Marketplace to see even more offers. Request access by sending an email to marketplace@urj.org.  

If you would like to recommend a vendor for inclusion in the Marketplace program, or you would like your business to be considered, please fill out this form and we will be in touch soon. 

To learn more and more easy ways to manage the day-to-day operations of your sacred community, please visit the URJ Marketplace at URJ.org/Marketplace