Essential Tools for URJ Congregations

Essential Tools for URJ Congregations make it easier for you to manage the work of leading your congregation. Essential Tools include URJ-curated toolkits as well as a membership to BoardSource at no additional cost for URJ member congregations. Together, these tools address the unique challenges and opportunities expressed by Reform Jewish leaders, as well as the health and vibrancy of congregations as nonprofit organizations. 

Each URJ Toolkit is curated to help you with the top tasks and priorities North American congregational leaders ask us about every day. These toolkits promote healthy organizations and sacred partnership among leaders with practical, easy-to-use tools. Each toolkit contains various interactive items-including templates, checklists, reflection exercises, and more-intended to be personalized for your congregation's unique needs. Fill out our request form for instant access to any toolkit.

URJ Toolkit: Effective Meeting

This toolkit provides a strategic approach to ensuring that every meeting you lead is productive, focused, and aligned with your congregation's mission, vision, and values. Read more about it!


  • Agenda templates
  • Meeting planning checklists
  • Suggested meeting norms

URJ Toolkit: Your Role as a Congregational Leader

This toolkit is designed to help you - regardless of your position - better serve in your role as a congregational leader and understand its unique nature.


  • Sacred partnership guide
  • Congregational ambassadorship checklist
  • Tools for establishing role clarity
  • Goal setting templates
  • Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (REDI) resources

URJ Toolkit: Congregational Board Membership

This toolkit will help prepare board members for their unique role as a fiduciary, strategic, and generative leader. Included:

  • Role description guide and template
  • Board member responsibilities checklist
  • Governance reflection exercises

URJ Toolkit: Managing Sacred Relationships

This toolkit will help congregational leaders manage the sacred relationships between staff and leadership with intentionality. Included:

  • How to foster sacred partnerships
  • How to conduct healthy reviews of clergy and professional staff
  • Tools to manage sensitive processes

BoardSource Membership for all URJ Congregations

The URJ is excited to offer BoardSource annual membership at no cost for all URJ congregations! BoardSource is the recognized leader in nonprofit board leadership research, leadership, and support. Their tools and resources help all nonprofit boards increase board effectiveness and strengthen organizational impact. This is an exclusive benefit just for URJ congregations. See all instructions and access information in the Marketplace. To create a new Marketplace account or for any help accessing the Marketplace, please email

We want your feedback! Tell us what you think about our new toolkits.