Ms. Shelley Niceley Groff, Temple Beth Sholom, Miami Beach, FL
Rabbi Rick Jacobs, Westchester Reform Temple, Scarsdale, NY
Immediate Past Chair
Ms. Jennifer Brodkey Kaufman, Congregation B’nai Israel, Sacramento, CA
President Emeritus
Rabbi Eric H. Yoffie, Temple Emanu-El, Westfield, NJ
Mr. Sean Blum, Congregation Beth Chaim, Princeton Junction, NJ
Ms. Jill Goodman, Congregation Beth Emeth, Albany, NY
Mr. Alec Harris, Chicago Sinai Congregation, Chicago, IL
Ms. Susan Friedberg Kalson, Rodef Shalom Congregation, Pittsburgh, PA
Ms. Julie Gordon, North Shore Congregation Israel, Glencoe, IL
Mr. Hank Rouda, Congregation Kol Ami, White Plains, NY
General Counsel
Dr. Melissa S. Johnson, URJ General Counsel/Vice President, People and Culture
Mr. Seth Cohen, URJ Vice President for Organizational Effectiveness
Past Chairs
Mr. Allan Goldman, Leo Baeck Temple, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Robert Heller, Central Synagogue, New York, NY
Ms. Daryl Messinger, Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA
Mr. Stephen Sacks, Temple Sinai, Washington, DC
Mr. Russell Silverman, Temple Judea, Coral Gables, FL
Mr. Jerome Somers, Temple Emanu-El, Marblehead, MA
Mr. Peter J. Weidhorn, Temple Shaari Emeth, Manalapan, NJ
Honorary Vice-Chairs
Mr. Austin Beutel, Temple Sinai, Toronto, ON
Mr. Barry Epstein, Temple Shalom, Dallas, TX
Mrs. Iris Vanek, Agudas Israel Congregation, Hendersonville, NC
Mrs. Dolores Wilkenfeld, Congregation Emanu El, Houston, TX
Honorary General Counsel
Mr. Norman Leopold, Temple Sinai of North Dade, Miami, FL
Honorary Trustees
Mr. Ron Cohen, Community Synagogue, Rye, NY
Ms. Jan Epstein, Temple Sinai—Atlanta, Sandy Springs, GA
Rabbi Daniel H. Freelander, Barnert Temple, Franklin Lakes, NJ
Ms. Ilene Greene, Temple Shalom, Dallas, TX
Ms. Evely Laser Shlensky, Congregation B'nai B'rith, Santa Barbara, CA
Mr. Philip Meltzer, Temple Am Echad—The South Shore Reform Cong, Lynbrook, NY
Mr. David Sampliner, Community Synagogue, Rye, NY
Mr. Leonard Teitelbaum, Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls, NJ
Rabbi Lennard Thal, Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York, New York, NY
Ms. Gerry Voit, Temple Adat Shalom, Poway, CA
Members of the URJ Board of Trustees
Mr. Lloyd Abramowitz, Temple Chaverim, Plainview, NY
Mr. Alan Abrams, Temple Kehillat Chaim, Roswell, GA
Ms. Galia Amram, Temple Sinai, Oakland, CA
Rabbi Erica Asch, Temple Beth El, Augusta, ME
Mr. David Astrove, Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC
Ms. Marisa Baggett, Temple Israel, Memphis, TN
Mr. Jeffrey Bank, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY
Mr. Jonathan Baron, Temple Adath Yeshurun, Manchester, NH
Ms. Marjorie Baron, Temple Beth Sholom, Miami Beach, FL and Temple Judea, Coral Gables, FL
Mr. David Baskin, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Mr. Len Bates, Temple Har Zion, Thornhill, ON
Ms. Sharon K. Benoff, Shir Ami, Newtown, PA
Ms. fredi Bleeker Franks, Congregation Emanu El, Houston, TX
Rabbi Barry Block, Congregation B'nai Israel, Little Rock, AR
Mr. Michael Blum, Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL
Ms. Amy Brackett, East End Temple, New York, NY
Ms. Jadwiga (Jadzia) Brown, North Country Reform Temple, Glen Cove, NY
Mrs. Janice Brumer, Temple B'nai Torah, Bellevue, WA
Ms. Janet Buckstein, Makom Solel Lakeside, Highland Park, IL
Ms. Andrea Cannon, Congregation B’nai Israel, Boca Raton, FL
Dr. Sara Charney, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Mrs. Clare Clarke, The Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom, Nashville, TN
Ms. Skylar Cohen, Congregation Beth Emek, Pleasanton, CA
Mr. Cary Davidson, Congregation Kol Ami, West Hollywood, CA
Mr. Michael Davis, Beth Shalom V’Emeth Reform Temple, Brooklyn, NY
Mr. Max Delahanty, Temple Sinai, Denver, CO
Mr. Jeff Denaburg (co-chair ARZA Canada), Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Ms. Phyllis Denaburg, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Mr. Coby (Steve) Derringer, Chicago Sinai Congregation, Chicago, IL
Dr. Moshe (Marc) Dollinger, Congregation Rodef Sholom, San Rafael, CA
Mr. David Donchin, Temple B’nai Israel, Oklahoma City, OK
Ms. Phyllis Dorey OAM, Chair, WUPJ
Mr. Derek Dorn, East End Temple, New York, NY
Dr. Mark Dressner, Temple Israel, Long Beach, CA
Ms. Shoshana Dweck, Temple Shaaray Tefila, Bedford Corners, NY
Mrs. Gina Drangel, The Reform Temple of Forest Hills, Forest Hills, NY
Ms. Isabel Dunst, Temple Sinai, Washington, DC
Mr. David Edelson, Central Synagogue, New York, NY
Rabbi Joseph H. Eiduson, RJE, Congregation B'nai Shalom, Westborough, MA
Mrs. Robin Eisenberg, RJE, Temple Beth El, Boca Raton, FL
Dr. Andrew Engel, Temple Sinai, Washington, DC
Mr. Ross Erlebacher, Makom Solel Lakeside, Highland Park, IL
Mr. Steve Fadem, Temple Sholom of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Ms. Loree Farrar, Congregation Beth Am, Los Altos Hills, CA
Mrs. Anne Feinberg, Temple Shalom, Chevy Chase, MD
Ms. Deborah Fernandez-Turner, Temple Kol Ami, Scottsdale, AZ
Dr. Abigail Fisher, Beth El Temple Center, Belmont, MA
Ms. Shae Fitzgerald, Congregation Gates of Heaven, Schenectady, NY
Mr. Jamie Fleckner, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA
Ms. Ellen Fox-Snider, Congregation Kol Tikvah, Parkland, FL
Cantor Claire Franco, The Community Synagogue, Port Washington, NY
Dr. Michael Freidman, Congregation Rodeph Shalom, Philadelphia, PA
Ms. Vivian Gealer, Temple Emanuel of Tempe, Tempe, AZ
Mr. Jay Gellman, Temple Beth Orr, Coral Springs, FL
Mr. Dan Gilbert, Temple Israel, Omaha, NE
Ms. Tricia Ginis, Temple Chai, Phoenix, AZ
Ms. Roberta Franco Glick, Temple Chaverim, Plainview, NY
Ms. Elizabeth Goertzel, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle, WA
Mr. Richard Goldberg, Congregation B’nai Joshua Beth Elohim, Deerfield, IL
Ms. Suzanne Goldenkranz, Congregation B’nai Israel, Sacramento, CA
Ms. Judi Goozh, Temple Beth Ami, Rockville, MD
Mr. Todd Gordon, Temple Sinai, Sandy Springs, GA
Ms. Amanda Greenawalt, President, ATID (Advancing Temple Institutional Development)
Ms. Cara Greenstein, Temple Israel, Memphis, TN
Mr. Dan Grossman, North Shore Synagogue, Syosset, NY
Ms. Shira Haaz, Temple Sholom, Broomall, PA
Ms. Rachel Halevi, Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco, CA
Mr. Rob Himmelstein, Temple Am Echad–The South Shore Reform Congregation, Lynbrook, NY
Rabbi Liz P.G. Hirsch, Temple Anshe Amunim, Pittsfield, MA
Ms. Chibuzor Isiogu, Temple Solel, Paradise Valley, AZ
Mrs. Emily Jennewein, Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego, CA
Mr. Daniel Jeydel, Temple Emanu-El, New York, NY
Ms. Jane Joseph, Temple Tifereth Israel, Beachwood, OH
Mr. Jeffrey Kagan, Temple Emanu-El, Westfield, NJ
Dr. Alan D. Kaplan, Temple Adath Yeshurun, Manchester, NH
Mrs. Ginny Keller, Temple Chai, Phoenix, AZ
Ms. Susan Kohn, Congregation Kol Ami, White Plains, NY
Ms. Sasha Kopp Hass, Temple Beth Shalom, Needham, MA
Ms. Lilli Kornblum, Temple Sholom of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Ms. Robin Kosberg, Temple Emanu-El, Dallas, TX
Mr. Marc Landis, Congregation Rodeph Sholom, New York, NY
Ms. Kerry Leaf, Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL and Congregation Hakafa, Glencoe, IL, Director of North American Board Engagement and URJ Legacy Giving
Ms. Ellen Lefkowitz, RJE, Temple Sinai, Oakland, CA
Mr. Paul Leszner, Temple Emanu-El, Toronto, ON
Mr. Jay Levine, Temple Shaarei Shalom, Boynton Beach, FL
Ms. Alison Siegel Lewin, Temple Beth-El, Northbrook, IL
Ms. Amy Lipeles, Temple Israel, Long Beach, CA
Mr. Steven Lipton, Temple Beth El, Madison, WI
Ms. Cindy Livingston, Temple Kol Emeth, Marietta, GA
Ms. Susan Longo, North Shore Congregation, Glencoe, IL
Ms. Anna Lushtak, Congregation Rodef Sholom, San Rafael, CA
Mr. Michael Luskin, Scarsdale Synagogue Temples Tremont and Emanu-El, Scarsdale, NY
Ms. Blair Marks, Temple Kol Emeth, Marietta, GA
Ms. Julie Matlof Kennedy, Congregation Beth El, Berkeley, CA
Mr. Marc Maxwell, Temple Israel, Boston, MA
Ms. Nancy Michaels, Westchester Reform Temple, Scarsdale, NY
Mr. Gregory Miller, Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL
Mr. Elliot Paull, Temple B'nai Torah, Bellevue, WA
Ms. Debra Perlin, Temple Sinai, Washington, DC
Rabbi Hara E. Person, Brooklyn Heights Synagogue, Brooklyn, NY
Mrs. Lynn Phillips, Temple Emanuel, Saint Louis, MO
Mr. Jason Plotkin, Temple Israel, West Bloomfield, MI
Dr. Mark Polisar, Temple Beth Abraham, Tarrytown, NY
Mr. Joseph Pollak, Temple Beth Emeth, Ann Arbor, MI
Mr. Frank Ponder, Stephen Wise Temple, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Steven Portnoy, Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York, New York, NY
Mrs. Linda Posner, Unified Congregation, Baton Rouge, LA
Mrs. Jennifer Reps Povman, Temple Beth Abraham, Tarrytown, NY
Ms. Taneisha (Tani) Prell, Congregation Etz Chaim, Lombard, IL
Mr. Michael Price, Congregation Beth Shalom Rodfe Zedek, Chester, CT
Mr. Steve Pruzan, Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Seattle, WA
Ms. Ziva Starr Raney, Judea Reform Congregation, Durham, NC
Dr. Andrew Rehfeld, Larchmont Temple, Larchmont, NY
Ms. Wendy Rhodes, Makom Solel Lakeside, Highland Park, IL
Rabbi Stacy Rigler, RJE, Temple Sholom in Broomall, Broomall, PA
Ms. Karen Rivo, Temple Beth Sholom, Miami Beach, FL
Mr. Jeffrey Rose, Wood River Jewish Community, Sun Valley or Ketchum, ID
Mr. Scott Roseman, Temple Beth El, Aptos, CA
Ms. Avra Rosen, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Mr. Benji Rosenblum, Temple Chai, Phoenix, AZ
Dr. Robert Rosenberg, Congregation Albert, Albuquerque, NM
Mr. John Rosenthal, Congregation Beth Israel, Portland, OR
Ms. Rachel Roth, Temple Chai, Long Grove, IL
Mr. Richard Rubenstein, Congregation Beth Israel, West Hartford, CT
Mr. Samuel Rubin, Washington Hebrew Congregation, Washington, DC
Mr. Adam Russek-Sobol, Temple Sholom of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Mr. Zachary Schaffer, Congregation Beth Elohim, Brooklyn, NY
Mr. Elkan Scheidt, Temple Israel, Memphis, TN
Mr. Jay Schenirer, Congregation B’nai Israel, Sacramento, CA
Dr. Russ Schultz, Beth-El Congregation, Fort Worth, TX
Ms. Amy Schwach, Temple Shaaray Tefila, New York, NY
Mr. Mark Schwartz, Temple Israel, Boston, MA
Ms. Heidi Segal, Temple Israel of Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Mr. Andy Shafran, Congregation Beth Tikvah, Columbus, OH
Ms. Elizabeth Sherman, Temple Shaaray Tefila, New York, NY
Ms. Karen Sim, Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati, OH
Mr. Mike Sims, Temple Emanu-El, Dallas, TX
Mr. Pekka Sinervo, Temple Emanu-El, Toronto, ON
Ms. Tema Smith, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, ON
Mr. Michael Solka, Temple Beth Shalom, Austin, TX
Mr. Jonah Spector, Congregation Beth Israel, Paradise Valley, AZ
Ms. Rochelle Stern, Temple Emanuel, Tempe, AZ
Mr. David Strauss, Temple Emanu-El, Dallas, TX
Mrs. Gale Swartz, Temple Beth El, San Pedro, CA
Ms. Michelle Tandowsky, Peninsula Temple Sholom, Burlingame, CA
Mr. Samuel Waldorf, Congregation Beth Chaim, Princeton Junction, NJ
Ms. Julie Waltzer, Temple Beth Shalom, Austin, TX
Cantor Seth Warner, Congregation Shaare Emeth, Saint Louis, MO
Ms. Rachel Weinberg, Judea Reform Congregation, Durham, NC
Ms. Nordin Weinberger, Congregation Kol Tikvah, Parkland, FL
Ms. Maya Weinstein, Judea Reform Congregation, Durham, NC
Dr. Steven Weitz, Temple Beth-El, Hillsborough, NJ
Mr. Ian Weitzman, Congregation Kol Ami, Cherry Hill, NJ
Ms. Ann Wenger, Am Shalom, Glencoe, IL
Ms. Kim Werker, Temple Sholom, Vancouver, BC
Ms. Judith Wiley, (co-chair ARZA Canada), Temple Israel, London, Ontario
Mr. Steven Wolf, Temple Sholom of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Dr. Jeremy Wolfe, Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA
Ms. Terry Yoffie, Temple Israel, Boston, MA
Hon. David Young, Temple Beth Am, Pinecrest, FL
For correction of any information listed, please email Kerry Leaf.
URJ North American Board of Trustees
Roster of the URJ's North American Board of Trustees