Foreign Policy

Support of Targeted Divestment from Iran

Year Adopted:
Background The prospect of Iran developing nuclear weapons capability poses a serious concern to the United States, Canada, Israel and the international community.

Resolution on the US-Cuba Embargo

Year Adopted:
Background The Cuban embargo was inaugurated by a Kennedy Administration Executive Order in 1960 as a response to the confiscation of American property in Cuba under the newly installed Castro regime. The current incarnation of the embargo, codified primarily in the Helms-Burton Act, emphasizes, "U.S.

Opposition to Communism, Fascism and Nazism

Year Adopted:
"The Union of American Hebrew Congregations in council assembled declares we are unalterably opposed to Communism, Fascism and Nazism; we condemn all religious and racial persecutions; we re-affirm our devotion to the principles of democracy with its noble concepts of mutual respect and good-will which maintain the dignity of the

Panama Canal

Year Adopted:
The debate currently being waged in our nation over whether to ratify the proposed Panama Canal treaty is a necessary and healthy manifestation of our democratic process. All Americans, individually and in organized fashion, have an obligation to express themselves on this crucial issue.

Persian Gulf Crisis

Year Adopted:
The Board of Trustees of the Union of American Hebrew Congregations resolves: Jewish tradition explicitly endorses the right of self-defense and regards a pre-emptive military action in the face of a real and imminent danger of attack as a form of self-defense.