Op-Ed: The One Speech Netanyahu Will Never Make to Diaspora Jews

October 15, 2018Rabbi Gilad Kariv and Rabbi Rick Jacobs

Imagine if PM Benjamin Netanyahu, as he begins his remarks to The General Assembly of Jewish Federations of North America next week in Tel Aviv, decided to honor true dialogue - and not the teleprompter.

It’s truly a gift to see so many of you here for this dialogue between our two Jewish communities, North American and Israeli Jewry. I realize that things have been tense recently between our communities. In the spirit of Yom Kippur, lingering after the gates have closed, I want to acknowledge my responsibility here.

Let’s start with the Kotel, a place that should unite - not divide - all Jews. Several key leaders here today met with me for four years. The agreement we reached at that time reflected compromise on all sides.

But change is hard, and the Kotel, which symbolizes so much, both religiously and historically, took on the weight of the very definition of Jewishness.

Today I am announcing that my government will institute the negotiated agreement, as approved by my cabinet. The message is simple: Let there be "One Wall for One People."

Read the rest of this op-ed in Haaretz.

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