Youth Engagement

Announcing NFTYx: A Space for Teens to Create

Fletcher Block
Michelle Shapiro Abraham, MAJE, RJE
For NFTY teen leaders and staff, this summer has been all about brainstorming, strategizing, and planning for the future of NFTY. We are thrilled to announce the launch of NFTYx, a space where teens can turn their ideas into experiences for others.

7 Creative Ways to Gather Virtually

Just because we can’t physically be together doesn’t mean we can’t come together as a community. Here are a few easy-to-implement virtual ideas to try with your Jewish community:

8 Ways to Bring Camp into Your Congregation

Michelle Shapiro Abraham, MAJE, RJE
Ruben Arquilevich

This is a great time to remind your families about One Happy Camper grants, which provide $700 to $1,000 for first-time campers. These grants have made it easier for so many families to give their children the best summers of their lives.