Cantor Rosalie Will
Cantor Rosalie Will (she/her) is a communal prayer consultant and scholar-in-resident, founder and Executive Director of Sing Unto God, author of "Songleading: A Work of Art", and supports the Union for Reform Judaism on issues of worship and music.
New & Updated Resources: Preparing for the High Holidays in Challenging Times
Cantor Rosalie Will
Rabbi Leora Kaye
Partner organizations of the Reform Movement are offering the best collaborative thinking and the most comprehensive resources to guide your visioning and planning.
Worship That Works: Supporting Spiritual Life in Small Congregations through Hadrachah
Julie Lambert, RJE
Cantor Rosalie Will
The URJ's Hadrachah (which means leadership) program teaches lay leaders a variety of skills to help them support and lead communal worship and lifecycle events like funerals and baby namings. The Hadrachah program is intended for small congregations with no more than one full-time clergy member.
Have We Gone Too Far With Visual Tefilah?
Cantor Rosalie Will
Visual Tefilah is an invaluable tool. Some congregations have used it for years, and during the pandemic it has become much more prevalent in our prayer spaces.
Register Now for Hava Nashira 2021
Cantor Rosalie Will
Whether you are looking for ways to innovate worship and music in your community or just love Jewish singing, join us for Hava Nashira 2021, the official Jewish worship and music conference of the Reform Movement.
Don’t Call it Hybrid: Multi-Access is the Future for Jewish Communities
Cantor Rosalie Will
Rabbi Esther L. Lederman
Rabbi Leora Kaye
Not surprisingly over the past number of months, the word “hybrid” has become popularized to refer to this new world we have entered. We want to make an argument for a new, and more precise term that some congregations have started to use: multi-access.