Summer Resources for Year-Round Board Success
The summer months are a great time for presidents and boards of directors to kickstart planning for the upcoming year. With impending board changes, and especially with the possible addition of new board members, summer presents a prime opportunity to set clear objectives and chart a course for a productive and meaningful year.
Here are six important ways you can jumpstart your summer planning:
Start Planning Your Board Orientation
Set your new board up for success by planning your board orientation program. Access our Building a Board Orientation Program to build a cohesive team, create a B'rit K'hilah, nurture sacred partnerships, and more! Recommit to creating Communities of Belonging by reviewing the URJ's most up-to-date REDI resources and consider having your board sign up for an annual REDI 101 training.
Analyze Your Congregation's Strengths and Areas for Growth
Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to assess your congregation's membership growth and loss.
Engage with Volunteers
Create a plan for recruiting, engaging, and retaining volunteers. For more information, check out our Philanthropic Partnerships and Volunteer/Donor Engagement discussion in the Tent!
Develop a Culture of Philanthropy
Check out Transitioning to a Culture of Philanthropy: A URJ Resource, which is a companion to the URJ's six-part online learning series of the same name. This resource provides articles, blogs, guides, speeches, and examples of materials. You'll learn how to define a culture of philanthropy, explore its roots in Jewish tradition, and receive tools and materials to adopt these principles and move toward a culture of philanthropy.
Prioritize Security and Safety
With the cost of security on the rise, take advantage of SCN's low-cost security measures resource for congregations.
Create an inclusive security plan to keep your congregants safe while continuing to build a community of belonging. To get started, read our blog post, "Nine Things to Consider When Creating an Inclusive Security Plan."
Connect With Your URJ Membership Partners
The Congregational Services Team is always happy to connect with you and assist you! Please do not hesitate to contact the Knowledge Network at or 1-855-URJ-1800.